Our skin has never felt so loved! We've recently had the pleasure of working with Dr. Stephen Wang of Dr. Wang's Herbal Skincare to produce a few marketing videos. This is the most recent creation, a simple demonstration showing just one of the reasons this product is so amazing. Seriously, we've created marketing materials for a myriad of skin care products and this one is by far at the top of the list! We used a subtle change in lighting to bring an emotional element into the different scenes. The competitor's scene has a cooler color complex while the Dr. Wang scene is a warmer color.

We love projects that get us out of the studio and into the beautiful outdoors! Although we barely managed to get this video filmed before Hurricane Lane moved in and dropped an incredible amount of rain. Just up the hill from us they measured 50" of rain over a 4 day period! Does anybody need a marketing video for a rain gauge?!
We did a video for our favorite freelancing platform: Fiverr! This project was really meaningful to us because Fiverr gave Climbing Vine Productions a platform to reach all corners of the globe. Now, 3 years later the business has grown beautifully and requires a team of 4 people to keep up with the demand. We're still having fun doing what we love while delivering outstanding value to our clients!